Anuran Das

Project Description

Client: Anuran Das, a professional trainer and coach who sells courses on personal Ethical Closing.

Goal: To create a professional website that reflects Anuran’s personal brand and showcases his expertise in personal Ethical Closing training, and sell his courses online.


  1. Discovery phase: In the discovery phase, we conducted a series of interviews with Anuran to understand his business goals, target audience, and brand personality. We also conducted research on Anuran’s competitors and the latest trends in the personal development industry.

  2. Design phase: Based on the insights gathered in the discovery phase, we created a design concept for John’s website that reflected his brand personality and targeted his audience. The design was clean, modern, and visually appealing, with a focus on user experience.

  3. Development phase: We developed the website using WordPress, a popular content management system, and incorporated various plugins and tools for functionality and optimization. 

  4. Content creation: We worked with Anuran to create high-quality content for the website, including his bio, course descriptions, testimonials, etc..

  5. Launch: Once the website was developed and content was uploaded, we conducted thorough testing and optimization before launching the website to ensure a seamless user experience.


The website we developed for Anuran has helped him establish a strong online presence and attract new clients. It has also enabled him to sell his courses online, expanding his reach beyond his local market. The website’s clean design and user-friendly interface have received positive feedback from users, and the site’s search engine optimization has helped increase traffic and conversions. Overall, the website has been a valuable asset in promoting Anuran’s personal brand and growing his business.

Anuran Das
Sales Closing Coaching
Website Development
Kolkata, India
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